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  history: There has been an Inn on this site since 1511.

Some Selected Reports from The Windsor and Eton Express

22nd March 1834
Christopher Inn, Eton

At the Monthly Meeting of the Buckinghamshire Magistrates, held at the Christopher Inn, Eton, on Wednesday last, a man named Chipps was committed to hard labour, in Aylesbury gaol, for one calendar month, on the complaint of his master, Mr. Piner, a farmer at Fulmar, for misbehaving himself in his service, by getting drunk whilst out with the team. A woman named Charlotte Finch and Mr. Stanbrook, governor of Langley workhouse, for coming home intoxicated a few days before. was also committed to the above gaol for twenty-one days.

11th February 1837

In consequence of the Poor Law Commissioners having declined to sanction the payment for certain sums out of the fund which had accrued by the sale of the old work-house belonging to Eton Parish, a public meeting was held on Tuesday last, at the Christopher Inn, Eton, when the subject underwent discussion , and a series of resolutions were adopted to the following effect: that the parish felt bound to discharge debts contracted in their name, and for their use by the Overseers; that the creditors of the Overseers when acting for the parish considered the parish to be responsible to them; that to deny such claims because the Overseer was dead, or not now in office, was a fraud either upon the Overseer or the creditors; that the refusal of the Commissioners to allow such claims to be discharged out of the proceeds of the sale of the work-house was viewed by the meeting with deep regret, and had left them no alternative but to appeal to a higher tribunal. The resolutions were ordered to be communicated to the Poor Law Commissioners, and the Overseers were instructed to apply to Lord Chandos to bring the subject before the House of Commons.

11th June 1842

On Monday evening a meeting of the inhabitants of Eton, the Rev.Dr.Hawtrey, the Head Master of Eton College, in the chair, was held at the Christopher Inn, when addresses of congratulation on her Majesty's escape from the last treasonable attempt on her life were adopted, and to be presented to the Queen, Prince Albert, and the Duchess of Kent.

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