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Timeline - A History of Windsor Pubs

by Tony Bowra 




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It�s 19th January 2003 and whilst driving along the Dedworth Road I saw the rubble that was once the Wolf Public House (Late The Dedworth Arms or The Maypole). It was pulled down in one day and is now gone forever. This drinking establishment was one of Windsor�s oldest pubs. That brought me around to remembering that once upon a time Windsor boasted a huge number of pubs, inns and beer houses. In fact, Windsor licensing authorities issued 120 licenses in 1895, however this covered a larger area than just Windsor itself. Memory plays tricks and just trying to recall these establishments� taxes the brain. Accordingly, I went to Windsor Library and started to examine their archives. 

What is the difference between an Alehouse and a Beer house?  I turned to the Internet and discovered that there was no difference as both were licensed to sell ale or cider and well as providing food. Taverns started by providing wine in Tudor times but expanded to sell spirits and beer. In later times they became public houses. It is suggested that Taverns were restricted to Towns.  The 1828 Alehouse Act, followed by the 1830 Beer house Act made licensing a simple procedure controlled by Excise Officials. The Licensing Act 1872 however put all licensing under the control of Justices of the Peace. In the late 1800s, the term Public House was in common usage, but Beer houses were more prevalent.


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1528 � 1657 

A brief mention exists of the earliest alehouses in the records held by Windsor Corporation in 1528 whereby rentals were shown as payable for a number of establishments. There were over twenty establishments mentioned at the time. The Mermaid, the Black Eagle, the Goat, the Maidenhead, the White Hart and the White Lion being amongst them. It is interesting the note that the Windsor Corporation appear to be the owners of a least fifteen of them.  At this time the Royal Court were frequently at Windsor and the demand for new Inns and Alehouses to satisfy the many visitors was growing. It appears that Windsor Corporation were not slow in leasing some of their properties to meet this trend. St Georges Chapel saw the way things were going and surviving property deeds show that in Tudor times they owned the Angel, the Broad Arrow, the Bull by Windsor Bridge as well as the Crown, the Hartshorn, The Swan, the Talbot and the White Horse. Four of these were Inns.  

 Windsor was still a very small town, its resident population scarcely a thousand people, its buildings concentrated around the market place and along the five main streets. The Inns and Alehouses were to be found mainly along the High Street and Thames Street. Between the top of Peascod Street and the parish church there were at least six drinking establishments. The Mermaid (on the site of the Castle Hotel) stood next to the White Lion. In Tudor times, Alehouses were first licensed under the Licensing Act of 1552. These were then the humblest of the three different types of establishments, often catering for the poorer section of the community, offering cheap food to workmen as well as beer and ale. Taverns were first licensed in 1553 and sold wine, not ale, and some of the taverns were also Inns. It seems since time immemorial the main purpose of Inns was to provide guest rooms, stabling and food and drink for travellers. In Tudor times they did not have to be licensed at all. Gradually, however, the alehouse laws were extended to cover Inns also. A certificate, drawn up in 1577 by Windsor Magistrates at the request of the Government, gives the following numbers for Windsor: eight inns, five taverns and eight alehouses. 

In a catalogue of 1636 compiled by John Taylor, a waterman of London, the Cross Keys, the Garter, the George and the White Hart were listed as Taverns. Others were classified as either Inns or alehouses.  The 1552 Licensing Act marked the beginning of a period of increasing restrictions on the sale of ale and beer. Parliament, Council Chambers and pulpit condemned alehouses as the meeting places of people of disrepute, �nests of Satan� and the focus of public disorder. Accordingly, licensees were required to enter into bonds or recognizance's, that they would not allow disorderly behaviour or harbour rogues and vagabonds. In the reign of James 1 (1603-1625) further laws were introduced to �restrain the inordinate tippling in inns, alehouses and other victualling houses�, and to prevent the �loathsome and odious sin of drunkenness�. Failure to obey led to a period of time spent in the stocks. Windsor was a puritan town and the town stocks stood almost opposite the Mermaid Inn. Records kept for the year 1618 indicate thirty-four men; both Innkeepers and Alehouse keepers appeared, before the Town Magistrates for breaking these laws. It seems that despite the many laws prevailing, the number of Taverns and Alehouses was rising. There were twenty-one in 1577 in Windsor, thirty-four in 1618 and at least forty-nine in 1657. �Short measures� were a constant problem with proprietors constantly appearing before Windsor Magistrates. In one year nearly forty-four Innkeepers were found guilty.

In 1656, the proprietor of the Mermaid Inn, George Pennington was grappling with a country wide problem i.e. lack of small coins in circulation. He came up with an interesting solution that saw him issuing small metal tokens with a face value of half a penny with his Inn sign and name on both sides. The Civil War (1642-1649) saw a huge increase in population when Commonwealth Troops numbering approx 2,000 were quartered in Windsor. One would have thought that trade would boom, however troops were billeted in every available residence and many landlords found themselves ordered to �loan� troops money. Most of the Alehouses and Inns brewed their own ale or beer at this time. I have �borrowed heavily� information contained in a small pamphlet titled �From Tudor Inn to Trusthouse Hotel� by Judith Hunter, which shows the extent of her research into Tudor times. One important note here relates to her source material, which clearly indicates that a visit to the Berkshire Record Office would reward all those wishing to prepare a more exhaustive history.


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1834 � 1842 

This short period of time is poorly documented but some facts could be gleaned from the Windsor & Eton Express newspaper. Court proceedings were obviously good copy and give insight into daily life. Restricting myself to articles mentioning public houses we find that in 1834, Reeves Beer Shop was known either as the Tea Gardens or the Royal Tea Gardens situated in Russell Street. The owner Elijah Reeves together with his wife were arraigned before Windsor Magistrates in 1842 charged with keeping a common brothel. After a lengthy hearing, Elijah was found guilty and fined �20. The Magistrates had no power over his licence, as they did not control beer shops. All that was required then was a licence issued by the Excise costing �1 in order to sell beer. 

The Britannia, a beer shop at the junction of Keppel Street and Barrack Lane was run either by George or William Hazlehurst. Samuel Saunders ran an un-named Beer Shop in Bier Lane in 1837. In 1836, William Willer was the owner of the Public House on the Berkshire side of Datchet Bridge, thought to be the Crown and Cushion. A Joseph Willer ran the Free House in Clewer Lane in 1842. In 1834, a Mr Hughes ran a Beer Shop in Prospect Place (St Leonard�s Road). In 1842, William Henry Wheeler ran Wheelers Beer Shop in George Street. This establishment was also known locally as the Rose and Crown. 

Henry Hill ran a Beer Shop in Sheet Street in 1834. It was known locally as the Barley Mow. The same man in 1837 ran the Brunswick Arms, a Beer Shop in Brook Street. A Mrs Sutton ran a Beer Shop in Clewer Lane in 1834. A John Gibbs ran the Coach & Horses, a Beer Shop in Peascod Street in 1836.  Mrs Hester ran the Dukes Head Inn in Peascod Street in 1842, whilst in 1834 the owner was shown to be her husband James Hester. In Sheet Street, a Mr Parker ran the Five Bells in 1842. Between 1837 and 1842, The Hope Inn in Frogmore Road saw the landlord hosting many civic events entertaining local gentry as well as Royalty. The owner Mr Byles would not have known that the Inns very existence was threatened by the closure of the road to the public with the coming of the railway.  

In 1842, a Mr Rhodes ran an un-named Beer Shop in George Street. In the same year, Mr Cutt ran the Horse and Groom Public House on Castle Hill. Again in the same year a very unusual event took place in the Magistrates Court. It related to the licensee of the Stag and Hounds Public House. The incumbent licensee, Mr Carpenter applied for a transfer of the licence to a Mr Knowles who was the owner of the Standard Public House in Market Place. Immediately this was granted, Mr Knowles asked the Magistrates for the licence to be transferred again, this time to a Mr Angel who had been a butler to a local landowner in the area. The application was granted. 

The Black Horse in Park Street was the scene of a number of auctions in 1837. In 1834, Mr James Hall ran the Surley Hall Public House but later in 1836 the owner was a Mr Duckett. In 1837, the Leather Bottle Beer Shop was open for trade in Clewer Fields. In 1836, the New Inn in Park Street was being run by a Mr Clode whilst in the same road the Two Brewers was run by a Mr Pursey. That same year saw, Mr Thomas Dash was running the Star and Garter Inn in Peascod Street whilst in 1837; a Mr Pook ran the Star and Garter Tap. Samuel Coombs ran the William the Fourth Public House in Thames Street in 1837. Mr Stephens ran the Swan in Clewer in 1836 whilst a Mrs Lillywhite ran the Swan in Thames Street in 1836. 

These extracts whilst they are brief at least provide one with an idea of the extent of the public houses in the area. Another snippet of news appeared in the Windsor and Eton Express on 7th October 1837 in which the reporter disclosed that the Mayor, whilst examining the list of voters in the borough found a number of discrepancies. It appears that several voters described their addresses as being adjacent to �Beaumont�s Pond� which no longer existed. Also others had given their residence as being in a �lane behind the Infantry Barracks�. The Town Clerk was instructed to call the former �Spital Road� and the latter �Barrack Lane� and that these names be painted up in their respective places.


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During my many visits to Windsor Library I discovered Hunts, Royal Windsor Directory of 1846, this book is remarkably good condition. It lists the merchants and some of the inhabitants of Windsor in 1846. In its preamble it indicates that the population of Windsor in 1841 was 9,062, this total included the Castle residents and well as those in the cavalry barracks but does not appear to include outlying districts. Browsing through the book, it became obvious that the main areas of activity were centred on the High Street, Peascod Street and Sheet Street areas. Everywhere else was open space. Street names were different and house numbers virtually non-existent. Beer Houses do not appear to have published names in the main, although they picked up local names sometimes after the Christian name of the owner. It seemed that putting together a list of licensed premises would not be easy. Some help though was close at hand in the form of the 1841 Census for Windsor.  What was apparent was the number of beer retailers shown in the census. Looking at the addresses of the establishments, one can jump forward to 1898 and see that they were the nuclei of the pubs better known to us today. 

I will admit that the task of putting together a list of �drinking establishments� for the year 1846 was extremely frustrating and the lack of source material has led me to speculate with both mysteries and omissions in my script. I will expand on this later. I should at this point attempt to paint a small portrait of the areas of population. Away from High Street, Thames Street and Peascod Street, one finds small areas of intense habitation. Roads such as George Street (now Station Approach) led down to the Goswells and from the occupations listed in the census, it was purely working class. Another hub of habitation was centred on Barrack Lane (now no more than a footpath), Love Lane (demolished) and Keppell Street was just frantic with huge families squashed into rooms, bringing a whole new meaning to the term, multiple occupancy. This area disappeared when the Infantry barracks was extended.  Its lends much credence to the positioning of the towns gaols on the corner of Francis Road right next to Keppell Street and the other gaol in George Street. 

The High Street featured the Castle Hotel; run by Mr John Chater and attached was the Castle Tap run by William Newman. This establishment is one of the oldest Inn�s in Windsor. It was formerly known as the Mermaid prior to settling down as the Castle.  The existing building dates from the reign of George the Third. The Tap bar was generally common with Inns or Hotels at this time with the licensee separate from the main establishment. Right opposite was the Union Hotel, run by William Cockill. Further along the High Street was the White Hart Hotel, proprietor Mr Joseph Johnson. This establishment allegedly takes its name from two earlier Inns on this site. The White Hart was situated next to the Garter Inn where it is said Shakespeare set many scenes from the �Merry Wives of Windsor�. Immediately next-door was the White Hart Tap run by William White. Also in the High Street at an unknown venue was a Beer Retailer run by a Thomas Hunt. This was no off license but a bar in every sense of the word. In Church Lane one could find the Ship Inn, proprietor Mrs Mary Burnham. Very close by was the George the Fourth, run by Mrs Sophia Stone. In Castle Street, the Horse and Groom saw James Cutt acting as mine host. In Queen Street, renamed in 1854, as Market Street was the Carpenters Arms run by James Humphries. Also in the same street was the Three Tuns Inn where Charles Veal was the proprietor. Church Street had a beer shop known locally as The Rose and Crown run by a Rosa Bearman whilst there was another unknown beer shop run by a John Thornbury. 

Thames Street had the Grapes at number 4, run by Richard Coventry. Further down at number 26 was the Red Lion, proprietor Mr William Darling. We then arrive at the Crown and Anchor Tavern run by Mr William Johnson. Then at number 30 you would arrive at the Adam and Eve, proprietor Mr Thomas Sharratt. At number 69 one found the Swan Inn, proprietor William Humphries. More of this establishment later. Right next door was a separate establishment run by Henry Watkins called the Swan Tap. Then at number 74 was the Crispin run by a William Bayliss. On the junction with Datchet Road was the King William the Fourth, proprietor Samuel Coombs.  In Datchet Road was found the Royal Oak run by a Mr J.V.Pettet. On the riverside close to the Royal Oak in a road named Thameside was the King Arms, proprietor Mr Frederick Duckett.   

Peascod Street was a disappointment in that it featured very few licensed premises. At number 22 was the Crown run by a Mr Thomas Johnson. Further down at numbers 25/29 was the Bull Inn, proprietor Mrs Sarah Goddard. Then we arrived at the Sun run by Mr Thomas Sharratt. At this point I realised some of the surnames re-appeared but I could find no physical link in the records available. At number 62 was the Criterion run by Timothy Grover. We now turn to the Star and Garter Inn run by Mr Thomas Dash, more of this Inn later in my tale. The next bar to be found was the Star and Garter Tap bar run by William Pook. At number 92 there was a beer shop run by a William Richardson. At number 54, a David Casey ran another beer shop. The only other establishment to be found in Peascod Street was the Dukes Head on the corner of Oxford Road. Mrs Ann Hester ran this large establishment. There was a beer shop called the Leeds Arms possibly situated at the bottom of Peascod Street, but little else can be confirmed other than a mention in the Windsor and Eton Express. 

We now turn to Park Street. Mr William Dangerfield ran the New Inn; this was also one of the oldest of the Inn�s in Windsor. Nearby was the Black Horse, proprietor Henry Ricketts. Further along the street near to the Long Walk was the Two Brewers run by Richard Lawrence. In Sheet Street, one found the Five Bells run by George Parker. There was also a beer retailer by the name of Henry Hill established there but the exact venue is not known. Moving into Kings Road one would have found the Ivy House, run by a Mrs Sarah Russell. Also in the same road was the Adelaide Hotel, proprietor Saul Oliver. Henry Woodhouse ran the Pheasants Beer House whose location is uncertain. The Windsor Castle was a lodging house/beer shop run by William Dean. My research then turned up a strange road that I could not locate initially on any map. Frogmore Road indicated that the Hope Inn was situated there, run by a Charles Byles. This road ceased to exist in 1850 when the road system was re-aligned via Albert Road, leading to Old Windsor. The old road and the house itself can still be seen today if one has access onto Crown land. Another road out of Windsor led to the Datchet ferry, which was sited alongside a wooden bridge, which had a history of dilapidation constantly requiring repairs. A Public House called the Crown and Cushion stood on the Berkshire side of the river alongside the bridge. Its last mention I can locate was in 1836 and it appears to have been a substantial building. 

I�ll turn now to New Road, this road later became Victoria Street, Clarence Road and Dedworth Road in 1846. The Bachelors Arms run by Mr John Tappin was situated near the junction with Barrack Lane opposite Bachelors Acre. Further along one would have found the Brunswick Arms, proprietor Mr George Day. The only other hostelry was the Queens Arms run by William Bullough. In William Street, Mr John Spanswick was employed as a beer seller. At the end of Clarence Crescent was the Clarence Hotel managed by Thomas Montgomery.  

In Spital Road (now St Leonards Road) was the Merry Wives of Windsor run by James Mines. There was also a beer retailer, a Mr Edward Bennett running a public house. Further along Spital Road near to the Calvary Barracks one would have found the Jolly Gardeners, proprietor Mr Richard Fowler. Nearby was the Duke of York run by Robert Wilks. John Baker kept a lodging house/beer shop at an unknown location nearby. Also near to the Calvary Barracks was the Queens Head a beer shop run by Caroline Thompson. The Stag and Hounds was further along run by Mr Thomas Angel. The Crown was a beer shop run by a John Brainsford but its location is uncertain. Thomas Webb ran the Grayhound in the same road but once again its location is unknown. Another beer shop situated somewhere in the road was run by a William South. The Beaumont Arms was situated near to the junction with Grove Road run by Edwin Robinson. On the very edge of Windsor was the Prince Albert run by Mrs Mary Brown. Off Spital Road, near to its junction with New Road was Russell Street. This narrow road featured two beer retailers, Mr James Brightwell and John Stevens. Also in the street was The Cross Keys, a beer house run by Mrs Cooker. 

Returning to George Street (Station Approach or Jubilee Arch) we must remember that the Great Western Railway only came to Windsor in 1849 and I suspect that this short street ran right down to the Goswells by way of a footpath.   Mr W. Knowles ran the Spread Eagle and the road featured three other beer sellers by the names of D. Caesy, Thomas Scott and William Simpson.  The 1841 census indicated multiple housing and shops in this area. Love Lane (now demolished in the early 1900s) lay at the back of the Infantry barracks; John Harris ran a beer house in this road. He was still there in the 1851 census but by this time his establishment was called the Odd Fellows Arms. Nearby was Keppell Street; only a small fraction of the street remains today. William Hazlehurst ran the only local beer shop there possibly known as the Britannia, which was on the corner with Barrack Lane. He is thought to have run the Blue Anchor in George Street before this. 

Moving out of central Windsor, we turn to an area that especially caught my attention. The area known as Clewer Fields, one historical account describes as being laid out in 1817 and being a �mean street, which had a reputation for poverty, squalor and immorality�. It describes the area as accessible by footpath only, there being no tracks leading there. As expected there were two beer houses in the area, run by a Samuel Stocker and Thomas Woods. Even today there is a narrow footpath with the same name and one must assume this is the area referred to although none of the current buildings appear to have survived. Close by was Clewer Lane (Oxford Road). There at number 12, Edward Goodchild ran a beer house. At number 31, Mrs Margaret Harper ran a similar establishment, possibly locally known as The Oxford Arms. At number 29, a Mary Etherington ran a beer shop. The Free House run by John Webber was to be found at number 21. Also in Clewer Lane possibly at number 14 was a beer shop known as the Honours of War run by a Sarah Goodchild. There was one other beer shop in the road run by a Henry Henley but its location is unknown. House numbers however have caused me further problems, in as much as the numbers I have quoted are for Oxford Road but in other documents for instance, Clewer Lane numbering shows the beer house of Margaret Harper at number 17 and the Free House public house at number 19 Clewer Lane. There is also a suggestion that there was a beer house in Bier Lane (River Street) at number 21, called the Prince of Wales run by a Thomas Goodchild. At number 3 Bier Lane, it is thought that there was a beer house called Happy Land run by a William Presley.  I cannot however find these two in any of the published directories. They only get a mention in the local newspaper. 

In Spital itself, were four beer houses. A Robert Brown, Joseph Speed, John Thompson ran these; whilst the beer house in Prospect Place was run by Ramsden Schofield, this was known locally as The Trooper. In respect of the other three their exact locations are not identifiable. In Dedworth Green, Mrs Ann Brister was running the Wolfe Inn. There was a nearby beer house run by Henry East. In Surley Hall Road, Mr George Duckett was the proprietor of the Surley Hall Hotel. In Mill Lane, Clewer Village, the Swan Inn was being run by Mr James Stevens. There now remain only two unidentified beer houses whose location is unknown. The proprietors were Joseph George and Henrietta Hall. A William Wigginton ran a beer shop in the Clewer Village at an unknown location.   

So what was happening in the world in 1846, well it would be easier to mention what had not yet happened. The Crimean War was a few years away and the American Civil War was far away in the future. We were reliant on horsepower and the great days of the stagecoaches were with us.  Dysons Omnibuses were running a coach service from their High Street offices to and from Slough to connect with every train arriving at Slough. Windsor Bridge still charged a toll. The railway had still not stopped the coach companies and we saw Luther�s operating a daily service leaving at 3.15pm daily through Egham, and Staines to the Whitehouse Cellar in Piccadilly, the Bolt and Tun in Fleet Street and the Belle Sauvage in Ludgate Hill. The Union coach company advertised a 10am service through Staines and Hounslow to Blossoms Inn in London with a return leaving London at 7pm daily. Dilly�s coaches ran a daily service from the White Hart Hotel departing at 1115am and 6pm to Sunninghill via Winkfield with the return service arriving at Windsor at 10am and 4.30pm. There were a number of general goods carriers operating regular services to London, Amersham, Binfield, Egham, Great Missenden, Guildford, Henley, Maidenhead, Reading, Sunninghill and Uxbridge, 

Despite wading through many publications and maps I could only locate 94 public houses but I felt throughout researching this year that there were more to be uncovered but I could simply not find them. I feel that this is the point in my tale to diversify slightly and acknowledge a copy of a PhD Thesis written by a Brigitte Mitchell, a copy of which is in Windsor Library. Titled �Problems of a Garrison Town, Windsor 1815-1855�, it enlarges and fills many gaps in my tale. Her research puts mine to shame and I feel it is only right to highlight features in her work, which have not been mentioned in my research covering this period in time.  

 Firstly, the 1830 Beer Act allowed the creation of Beer houses and in essence became a problem, as they were now exempt from Magistrates control. Many were run in conjunction with brothels in the poorer areas. The area of major concern was grouped together in Clewer. They lay between Bier Lane, lower Peascod Street and Clewer Lane together with another cluster in the Church Street area. Many of their activities were mentioned by the Windsor and Eton Express newspaper, which carried a section covering the workings of the local Magistrates Court. It seems that in 1836, a Mr John Gibbs, landlord of the Coach and Horses Public House was prosecuted for �running a disorderly house�. This establishment does not appear to get a mention ten years later. George Street also appears to get regular mention in the Magistrates Courts transcripts. The Spread Eagle, the Rose and Crown, the Blue Anchor and the Prince George as well as a brothel/beer shop known as Wheelers Beer Shop get regular mention. In 1849, the Spread Eagle�s licence was transferred to the Bachelors Arms in Victoria Street, just prior to the streets demolition. In Clewer Fields, William Austin�s beer shop was the home to five girls who provided the census taker with enough information to indicate their profession was prostitution. Many were known only by their nicknames such as Fat Ellen, Black Hannah, Wraysbury Hannah, Biddy, Snook, Spital Bounce or the Sergeant Major. I have strayed off the point of this work but it is of note in order to capture that time in the history of Windsor. 

This period in Windsor�s history is very poorly documented. Most of the establishments mentioned no longer exist as they did then, possibly rebuilt or extended over the years. The Licensing Act of 1872 put a stop to most of the small beer shops and brought control of those that remained under the jurisdiction of local magistrates. The Lodging House Registration Acts of 1851 and 1853 must have sounded the death knell to many beer shop/brothel keepers. Even so, a count reveals 100 hostelries found with a high possibility that I have missed some.


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I made a few notes on my many visits to the library and in the interests of making certain of my facts I consulted Kelly�s Guide to Windsor dated 1898 in order to bring this essay forward. The first page I turned to was Mill Lane in Clewer Village. Only two pubs get a mention. One, the Duke of Edinburgh stood on the corner of Mill Lane and Maidenhead Road. Built on the site of the old Clewer Village Police Station.  It was pulled down at about the same time the relief road was built, i.e. 1965 ish.  The other is the Swan Inn, which is still an Inn and open for business. 

Turning my attention to Peascod Street in Windsor, and hoping that I would see lots of pubs bearing in mind we are a garrison town. I was surprised by the lack of establishments. For example, if one stands at the top of Peascod Street and begins to walk down on the left side, the first pub we get to is at number 10 called The London, its no longer there and I would guess it was situated very close to where Thornton�s is now. We then walk past Acre Passage and at number 12, right on the corner stood the Royal Albert, again its gone.  

Continuing our journey we get to number 19 where the Liberal Club once stood, it�s about where Woolworth�s now stands. We move on to number 23, The Crown Hotel and not far away at number 27 was the Sun Inn. Walking on passing Peascod Place, we arrive at number 32, Peascod Street where the Bull Hotel stood. Two doors away at number 36 stood the St George. Turning left into William Street for moment. There was only one public House there at the time, The Falcon, which I believe, closed in the late sixties. We now turn out of William street with Wellmans Iron-mongers on the corner and turning left find at number 42 near to what is now the Hospice Shop stood the �Wellman�, right next door stood the Royal Brewery at number 44 and to my surprise at number 45 stood the Royal Brewery Tap giving people a good choice of beverages, Coco the ladies fashion shop is there now but a glance at the building will give you an idea of what it was like. 

Even by now just sampling a half in each establishment, one warms up to the thought that you might not make it to the end of the road let alone crossing to the other side. But, continuing our walk from The Royal Brewery Tap we come to the Star Inn at number 51, a year ago I would have said its still there selling pints, but even that�s gone and exists as Bar 51. Moving on to number 64 we get to the Beresford Arms and then to The Criterion at number 72, which is on the corner at the Peascod Street junction with Victoria Street. Its still there and a close look at the glazing you can see not a lot has changed, of the twelve hostelries, it�s the only one left so far. 

Crossing Victoria Street and keeping to the left, we are in St Leonard�s Road and walking briskly past Russell Place then Garfield Place (gone now), Albany Road then Temple Road we get to The Merry Wives (now known as The Merry Wives of Windsor). The pubs still there.  Pressing on we cross Grove Road and come to the Trooper, (another survivor). We go on now to Osborne Road and come to the Lord Raglan Public House, a large building but pulled down about 2001 after being closed for some time. We now come to Alma Road and its at the point that I had problems with the Marshall�s Guide as it seems St Leonard�s Road stopped at this point and we had reached the boundary of Windsor, beyond which is Spital. 

Crossing over we make our way back up St Leonard�s Road, there was no Court, Fire Station and Police Headquarters at that time in this road. Walking across St Marks Road and Trinity Place we come to the Herts Arms, quite where it was is unclear but it must have been where there is now a small parade of shops, possibly right on the junction with Spinners Walk. Our walk now takes us over Spinners Walk and here we come to the Jolly Gardeners, which I believe was on the opposite corner. We now arrive at Clarence Road. There on the opposite corner on the junction at number 73 stood The Hope, (now renamed Crosses Corner) old maps indicate that this crossroads was known as Cross�s Corner due to the shop owned by a Mr Cross situated on this crossroads.   

About 50 yards on, stood the Dukes Head at number 90 right on the corner of Oxford Road. This establishment was large enough to house the Minotaur Cycle works, remember the age of the motorcar was yet to come.  Diverting at this point into Oxford Road, on the right at number 32 stood The Globe Public House. Its gone of course, swept away by the monster of Ward Royal. A footpath of sorts follows the old roads direction. Gone is South Place, which you would have passed by before getting to Alma Road. Oxford Road South remains today and a swift walk brings you to Vansittart Road.  

Crossing the road at this point, making our way back to Peascod Street we find the Mitre Public House (still serving customers). We then pass the Elephant and Castle prior to crossing Greenham Place. Now we come to The Perseverance Public House before crossing York Place and Alma Road. Just opposite stood the Clarence Inn on the corner. Going on, at number 65 stood the Black Boy, at 55 the Why Not, at number 23 stood the Prince of Wales quickly followed by the Free House at number 21. Both Goswell Road and Grosvenor Place on our left, we find we are at the corner of Oxford Road, at its junction with Peascod Street. 

Back up Peascod Street, we wander up to number 98 to find the Wellington Public House and not much further along we come to the Duke of Cambridge at 104 (still there in the seventies), prior to the entrance to Sydney Place. Stopping here for a moment, I can recall that this was merely a wide alley leading to the Steam Laundry and the Gasometers and Edward Square. But, back to our journey up Peascod Street, it�s a goodly walk up to the Star and Garter Hotel at 133 (the Virgin Mega Store and Superdrugs are there now). The Rolling Stones performed here in the early sixties and many years before them, many international boxers trained and sparred there. On the other side of the alley (Goswell Lane now known as Goswell Hill) stood The Albion at number 137. We then exit on to the High Street; Victoria�s Statue had only been erected the previous year to mark her Golden Jubilee in 1897. I have lost count of the pubs mentioned here and only handfuls remain today. Poverty was rife and the town recorded over 6,000 vagrants housed in the workhouse. Drink was cheap and judging by the number of pubs, readily available.  

I continued my search of Marshall�s and turned to Vansittart Road. There stands the Bexley Arms, which strictly stands in Bexley Street. Just opposite is the Vansittart Arms and a bit further along is the Mitre. All three remain open today. A curious connection can be seen if one looks at the pub sign of both the Vansittart and the Bexley in that they have the same coat of arms on the sign. Consulting a local history guide it appears that Nicholas Vansittart was the son of a local landowner and was Chancellor of the Exchequer for 12 years. He was made Lord Bexley in the early eighteen hundreds hence the connection, his brother was made Lord Vansittart some years later. Neither lived locally. 

I found that at this stage of my research that it required lots of cross checking and to aid me I bought a map of Windsor dated 1899, what a good buy this proved to be. I now discovered many long forgotten roads and some re-named. Pressing on I returned to Windsor Library to consult their books. I decided that Alexandra Road would be a starting point, sure enough between Albany Road and Russell Street stood the Hand and Glove, the only establishment in this road. Victoria Street comes next and making our way from the Criterion we cross James Street and at number 5 was The British Grenadier. Over William Street we find the Brunswick Arms at number 11. We then walk to Madeira Walk and cross the road to find the Bachelors Arms at number 23, just along from there at number 29 stood the Prince of Prussia. Crossing Alexandra Road we arrive at the Queens Arms, which was handily placed next to the Victoria Brewery run by Burge and Co.  I then turned to Arthur Road and beginning at Gardner Cottages on the junction of Vansittart Road we move east, crossing Duke Street we have the Duke of Connaught. We then cross Alma Terrace, Kings Terrace and Alma Road and finally arrive at the Noah�s Ark. There we no establishments on the south side of Arthur Road. 

The High Street proved very confusing because either side of the Town Hall (The Guildhall) stood a pub. At number 51 was a beer seller trading under the name of the Standard; whilst on the other side at 54 was the Union Hotel and nearby the Horse and Groom. Market Place shows that between numbers 2 to 4 stood the Carpenters Arms whilst at number 8 stood the Three Tuns Inn. Moving on into Park Street it was very noticeable that the road housed many solicitors and tearooms as well as at number 18 was the New Inn and further down on the same side of the road at number 34 stood the Two Brewers. We now get to Sheet Street, and walking south keeping to the left we cross York Place and come to the Five Bells Inn just prior to Brook Street. Before crossing the road and making our way back, further down Kings Road was the Ivy House, which nearly escaped me. Anyway resuming our visit to Sheet Street, on the right, on the junction with Francis Road stood the Omar Pasha a small public house next door to the old lockup. Carrying on our walk we cross over Victoria Street we come to the Round Tower Inn. 

Its important realise at this late stage of my tale to consider the growth of Windsor. It appears until the 1860s not much construction took place and nearly all buildings were of wood. A glance of the buildings in Peascod Street indicates many towards the top end were built in the 1860s. Roads such as Alexandra Road (1875), Albany Road (1895), Temple Road (1891), Springfield Road (1898), Bolton Road (1899), Victor Road (1898) whilst careful observation of Clarence Road houses shows construction in the late 1890s. Prior to 1907, the Police Station and Prison were to be found in Sheet Street near to its junction with Francis Road, right next to the Omar Pasha. Victoria was still on the Throne.  

In Datchet Road stood The Royal Oak Hotel and on the opposite side of the road could be found The South Western Hotel. Similarly in Kings Road was the Adelaide Hotel and further down on the same side was the Windsor Castle, and nearer to the Francis Road junction stood the Prince Christian. Nearby in Love Lane, which was off Helena Road at number 17 stood the Odd Fellows Arms. Some of the roads mentioned in my brief tale are no longer there but can be seen in an old Ordnance Survey map of 1897. Remember Victoria held her Golden Jubilee in 1897. 

We turn now to Church Lane; this short thoroughfare housed the Temperance Society, which was handily placed to the George Fourth at number 3, whilst at number 4 stood the Ship Inn.   Now situated in Clewer Fields off Alma Road stood the Napoleon the Third. I have no idea exactly where this establishment stood. Off Peascod Street was Goswell Lane and following this narrow road, situated in Victoria Cottages was to be found the Victoria Public House, just a converted two up two down cottage. A short walk from there led you to the Railway Arms. I must assume its position was at the bottom of the lane, near to the exit to King Edward Court Car Park. 

On now to Grove Road. Both the Prince Arthur at the bottom end and the Crispin at 1, Grove Place are still there today. In Helena Road stood the Britannia. We will now move back to the High Street, The Castle Hotel had its own Tap bar and further along was the White Hart and then a little further on stood The Standard, its exact location is not clear. As we go down the hill with the Castle to our right and the High Street becomes Thames Street and at number 5 stood the Grapes followed by the Red Lion at number 27. We now cross the top of River Street in which could be found at number 25, the Anglers Retreat. Resuming our journey down Thames Street we arrive at the Adam and Eve at number 29. The current building seen today dates from 1905. At number 32 you would have found The Refreshment Bar, a quaint name. Moving on around the corner we come to the Swan Inn at number 49, (closed 2000). Just before Windsor Bridge to our right was Thames Side where at number 10 stood the Kings Arms. 

Central Windsor has almost been covered now but we turn back to the Lord Raglan in St Leonard�s Road which was situated adjacent the Cavalry Barracks. We now proceed into Spital Road. On the left was to be found the Queens Head Inn, then The Lion Public House, which was quickly followed at number 5 by the Jolly Guardsman. A little further on was the Foresters Arms. There were no more pubs in Spital road until one arrived at the Prince Albert on the other side of the Road. Retracing our steps this time on the other side of the Road we come to the Royal Standard. Next we found the Stag and Hounds followed by the Duke of York and the Fawn public house. 

The area outside the precincts of Windsor was mainly that of farmland with various hamlets. The area known as Clewer as against Clewer Village boasted only one beer seller, a Mr Henry Thwaites who ran the Criterion in Clewer Green. Further up near to Bell Farm and on Clewer Hill stood the Sebastopol. In Hatch Lane, as well as the Three Elms was a Public House called Hernes Oak as well as the Bricklayers Arms. The Bell stood in Dedworth Road right opposite Clewer Police Station and St Andrews Hospital. 

We turn now to the hamlet of Clewer New Town. There Mr Benjamin Fuller, a beer seller ran the Man of Kent, whilst confusingly almost next door a Mr Randall ran the Duke of Kent. We move on now to Dedworth, where a Mr W. Brickwood ran the Wolf Public House, (this is the pub that started me on this quest). Other establishments further west included The Red Lion (Mr W.Childs), The Nags Head (Mr John Hallett) and The Queens Head (Mr E.Upton). Lastly I end up with the Surley Hall Hotel. Here lies an anomaly as the hotel is listed as trading but the map of the same year gives no clue as to its exact location. Records suggest it was located next to the home of the Duchess of Sutherland who lived at the Willows; the hotel was demolished in 1900. 

Windsor at this time was about to start its process of change to reflect what we see today. Already however in the previous ten years a major change had already taken effect. A map of 1875 indicates that if you approached Windsor from the west you came along Surley Road (Maidenhead Road) and at the junction of Mill Lane you found yourself in Clewer Road with fields either side until you reached what is now the junction with Vansittart Road. Here the road turned right then left into Oxford Road. Arthur Road did not exist. Roads as we know them today were just fields with footpaths everywhere. What I did notice was that in about 1875 water was taken from wells in the out-lying districts. They are clearly marked on the map and one particular area caught my eye. The Sebastopol public house did not exist then in the area known as Park Corner. What are clearly marked are three wells on the site, at the junction of Kenton�s Lane, these were probably public wells supplying the community�s drinking water, this could explain why breweries abounded everywhere in Windsor. My count is exactly 105 public houses and that was a struggle. In the end however I do not think I missed one.




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I gave it much thought as to where to go next to illustrate the changes seen over a span of years. I settled on the year of 1910. My reasoning being that a great deal of rebuilding had taken place in the borough and Victoria�s reign had ended bringing us into the early years of the motor vehicle and more especially it was just prior to the outbreak of world war one. Marshall�s Royal and Official Directory of 1910 had by this time still retained its modest entries and slim-ness indicating that the housing boom in Windsor was a world away. There were three local breweries operating in Windsor, Burge & Co had their premises in Victoria Street just on its junction with Alexandra Road. J. Canning had their premises at 44, Peascod Street, whilst Neville Reid & Co had their brewery in Thames Street near to the junction with Datchet Road. 

Beginning with Arthur Road, at number 1 is the Noah�s Ark, proprietor F. Lewis. Further along on the same side of the road is the Duke of Connaught, on the junction with Duke Street and run by C.R. Wilkins. In Bexley Street at number 49 is the Bexley Arms, proprietor C. Clements. In Castle Street is the Horse and Groom Public House run by A. Hammond. In nearby Church Lane at number 4 is the Ship Inn, proprietor G.V. Charlish. In River Street is the Thames Hotel run by A Jacobs. Datchet Road saw the Royal Oak Hotel run by a Miss Bourne. Across the road was the South Western Hotel run by a Miss Outlaw. In Goswell Lane right next door to the Gas Works, C.G. Sampson ran the Railway Arms, which locals suggest was situated, on the site now adjacent to the goods entrance of Waitrose.    

We turn now to Grove Road; at its junction with Francis Road situated at number 29 is the Prince Arthur run by A.E. Freeman. Further up the road at number 54, on the junction of Alexander Road is The Crispin run by a Mrs Daw. We now go back to the High Street; Mr C.A. Coles now without its Tap bar ran the Castle Hotel. Further along was the White Hart Hotel, proprietor Mr J.S. Hall. What is of interest is the presence of the Minotaur Cycle Company at number 48. They have moved up from their old premises at the Dukes Head in Peascod Street. In Kings Road, the Adelaide Hotel was situated at number 46, proprietor Mr A.G. Garnett. The Windsor Castle Public House is at number 98 run by W. Beesley. On the other side of the road at number 11 is the Prince Christian Hotel, proprietor S.H. Roberts. With the extension to the Infantry Barracks both Love Lane and Keppell Street have gone leaving us a road layout much as it remains today. 

In Market Street, off Castle Hill, at number 3 we find the Carpenters Arms run by F. Plumridge. It is situated right next door to a chutnee (and yes that is the correct spelling for the moment in time) manufacturer and a number of eating-houses. A few doors up at number 8 is the Three Tuns Inn, proprietor W. Dobby. New Road began at the junction with Clarence Road and on the right moving west from Windsor many new houses had been built which still stand today. After its junction with Vansittart Road we find a few more houses before we arrive at the County Police Station, which stood, on the junction with Parsonage Lane. On the left side of New Road moving west from Clarence road was a series of substantial housing, which terminated when one reached Vansittart Road. These houses still remain today each with their unique house names. 

Oxford Road in 1910 was an important mix of residential housing and small shops. On the right coming from Peascod Street we find Darvilles shop selling china, glass and earthenware goods. We then see a mix of greengrocers, grocers, butchers, bakers and fishmongers. At number 20 was Crane and Co, a large general outfitter.  At number 32 is the Coach and Horses, proprietor T Kirtland. A further selection of shops followed until we arrive at the Globe Public House on the corner of the junction with Goswell Road. We have now reached a series of residential housing, which continues after its junction with Alma Road until it reaches Vansittart Road. On the left hand side of Oxford Road from Peascod Street, shops again feature until we get to the Free House at number 21 run by H.A. Boitteler. Right next-door was the Prince of Wales at number 23, proprietor W. Rogers. Again there are a number of shops featuring a cycle maker, boot maker and Bracknell Farm Dairy until we reach number 55 where we find The Why Not Public House, proprietor Mrs Allen. Continuing on the left side we cross South Place and right on the corner at number 65 is the Black Boy run by J.W. Martin. The road then crosses an area or track way referred to as the Clarence Clump and a little further along we reach its junction with Alma Road to find the Clarence Inn run by E. Ellis.  

Oxford Road continues its westerly direction and we come across many groups of houses from this point on. Names such as Borough Boundary Terrace, Alexandra Terrace, Providence Place, Augusta Place and York Place are seen. One of the last buildings in York Place is the Perseverance Public House, proprietor E.E. Meredew. We then reach Beaumont cottages where we find a few shops retailing such things as confectionary and green grocer as well as a boot maker. We then arrive at Greenham Place where Darvilles ran a Post Office and Grocery shop. Next we can find another greengrocer, a decorators and a bakers followed straight away by the Elephant and Castle Public House, run by E. Allen. Beasley�s Cottages then followed prior to reaching St Stephens Hall before arriving at the Mitre Public House run by Henry Cooper, right on the junction of Vansittart Road.

 In Park Street on the left side from the High Street at number 19 was the New Inn, proprietor Mr Walter Dyble. Further along almost at the Long Walk entrance at number 34 is the Two Brewers run by F. O�Hara. We now find ourselves in Peascod Street. On the left side from the High Street we find the Primrose Tea Rooms and next door at number 3 was W.H.Smiths. A little further down at number 10 is the Luncheon Bar run by E.J. Fennell. Twenty years earlier this establishment was called The London. Walking on, passing Acre Passage, was Radnor�s, Jewellers and Pawnbrokers, next door to it at number 12 was the Royal Albert, proprietor F. Pengilley. At number 16, Ind Coope & Co ran an off licence selling ale and stout in the cask and bottles. Its not until we arrive at number 23, do we find the Crown Hotel, run by Mrs Powell. Four doors down at number 27 is the Sun Inn, proprietor W. Kirtland.

 Our walk now takes us past Peascod Place, which led, to Keppell Row and Leworth Place and at number 32, Peascod Street stood The Bull Hotel run by C.J. Lovejoy. At number 36 we find The St George Public House run by J.R. Meikle. Crossing William Street at number 44 we find the Royal Brewery with brewer J. Canning. Their offices were next door but it does not appear they sold ale to the public any more. Their Tap Bar�s existence is unclear but is thought to still be there. Further along at number 51 is the Star Inn, proprietors Nicholson & Son.  On the junction with Victoria Street at number 72 is The Criterion run by H. Mayne. Crossing Peascod Street at this point brings us to The Hope Public House at number 73 run by G. Brown. Making our way back up towards the Castle passing numerous small shops we arrive at the Dukes Head at number 90, proprietor S. Groves that is on the corner of Oxford Road. At number 98 we find the Wellington Public House run by J.J. Dunford.   At 104, we find the Duke of Cambridge right on the corner of Sydney Place. Many small shops are now to be found including the Home and Colonial shop at 121, Peascod Street. Another shop name making an early appearance at number 126 was Freeman Hardy and Willis, boot and shoemakers. At 133 is the Star and Garter Hotel, proprietor W.H. Haines.  Further along at number 137 was The Albion Public House run by J. Whitehouse. Checking my notes I realised that over a period of sixty years until this point some of the house and shop numbers have slightly changed possibly to reflect rebuilding in Peascod Street.  

Russell Street boasted only one public house. The Hand and Glove run by S. Vallis, stood at its junction with Alexander Road where the Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant now stands. Our journey now takes us into Sheet Street. On the left hand side from the High Street we find our first mention of the motorcar. The Windsor Motor Engineering Works had large premises there, offering garage and tyre repairs. The street was a mixture of houses, offices and shops until we reach number 73 where the Five Bells Inn stands run by J.J.Irwin. The road ends with its junction at Brook Street, and crossing the road we find the Infantry Barracks.  After crossing Victoria Street we find at number 22, Sheet Street, The Round Tower Inn, proprietor H. Vallis. 

Springfield Road now appears for the first time in this tale. This road is nearly entirely residential with the exception of a dairy and grocers/bakers right on the junction of Elm Road. Also situated here is The Alma, run by J.W. Wilson. In St Leonard�s Road beginning at its junction with Victoria Street on the left hand side consisted of mainly shops until at number 25 we find the premises of King & Co, whose trade was motor and cycle sales and repairs. The company acted also acted as an Electric Charging Station. Crossing both Albany Road and Temple Road we find at number 61 the premises of Horlock�s who ran a road livery and hunting stables and offering both single and pair, rubber tyre horse brakes. At number 65, H.J. Thomas was running The Merry Wives Public House. Further along the road we find The Trooper Public House at number 97 being run by a Mrs Phillips. The road then crosses Lammas Avenue, Beaumont Road, Osborne Road and at its junction with Francis Road. By now King Edward VII Hospital had been built. Next door to it at number 127 we find the Queens Head Inn run by J. Butt.  

A little further along St Leonard�s Road at 145 is The Golden Lion, proprietor S. Brown. Right next-door at 147 is the Jolly Guardsmen still shown as a beer house and run by C. Kyte. Working our way along we cross Bolton Road passing the Corporation allotments and Spital Royal Free Infants School and we arrive at the Foresters Arms at 199 run by E. Applin. We now find mainly residential housing until we reach Windsor Cemetery where St Leonard�s Road ends. The area then known as Spital begins and we find housing until reaching the Windsor boundary at Hermitage Lane. 

We now look at St Leonard�s Road coming from its junction with Clarence Road on the right hand side. On the junction with Spinners Walk at number 14 is the Jolly Gardeners run by T. Orger. On the opposite corner is the Herts Arms run by a Mrs Patton. Our journey then takes us across Trinity Place where we now find the Windsor District Co-operative Provident Society who boasted a clothing and footwear department as well as a bakery. Next door to them is the County Boys School. As we now cross St Marks Road we arrive at the newly constructed Fire Station with the New Borough Police Station next door. It�s a goodly walk past St Marks Place, Queens Road, Osborne Mews, Osborne Road and Alma Road before we arrive at the Lord Raglan Public House on the opposite junction, proprietor Mrs Chambers.  

The Combermere Cavalry Barracks then follow and nearby at 140 is The Fawn Public House run by E. Thomas mainly residential housing follows until a strange feature occurs at 184 when we come across one building simply referred to as the �War Office�. Quite what this was about is unknown, but it could have been used as a recruiting base. At 196, we arrive at the Berks and Bucks Motor Works, a rather large establishment offering to overhaul electric and petrol engines as well as selling spare parts and petroleum. Immediately next door at number 202 is the Duke of York Public House, proprietor W. Griffiths. Clewer Cottages mark the end of St Leonard�s Road. We now enter the area known as Spital again. Straight away we are at the Stag and Hounds Public House run by A.C. Cannon. Park Cottages follow and then we arrive at The Royal Standard situated in Park Place run by F.H. Tucker. There are mainly residential houses from now on, which include the entrance to Clewer Manor until we reach Dysons Cottages and reach the Windsor boundary. 

We turn our attention now to Thames Side, which is the road immediately by Windsor Bridge leading to the South Western Railway Station. Here at number 10 we come to the Kings Arms, proprietor E. Sharratt. Now to Thames Street. From the High Street on the left at number 5 we find The Grapes Public House run by F.L. Butt. Going down the hill at number 19 was Burge and Company, Wine and Spirit retailers and brewers. Right on the corner just before we cross River Street at number 27 is the Red Lion run by Mrs Killeen. Walking across the road at number 29 is the Adam and Eve, proprietor F. Groves. Walking past Windsor Theatre at number 32 is the Theatre Arms Public House, which was closed for re-building most of that year after the disastrous fire destroyed the old Theatre. Turning the corner and crossing Thames Avenue we find at number 49 the Swan Inn, no proprietor is listed for the Inn in the directory. The last establishment before Windsor Bridge is a private hotel run by a Mrs Outlaw. Crossing over at this point we find the premises of Willis & Son. They appear to have grasped the future motor age and were supplying motorcars at �London Rates�. Free with the car were driving lessons, you will recall one did not need a drivers licence at this moment in time. They were agents for Rover, Singers, Humber�s, Rudge-Whitworths, Sunbeams and Lea Francis cycles. Just across Datchet Road were Neville Reid & Co, bankers and brewers. Just before the Hundred Steps were the Duke of Windsor�s Stables with M. Harraway as Coachman in residence.  

Vansittart Road saw the Vansittart Arms on its junction with Albert Street, proprietor G. Rose. H. Cooper ran the Mitre on the junction of Oxford Road. Victoria Cottages was situated off Goswell Lane and consisted of tightly packed houses numbering 104 homes. In the centre of this development at number 81 was the Victoria run by J. Hearn. In Victoria Street on the left hand side from Peascod Street we find The British Grenadier at number 24 right on its junction with James Street, run by W. Robey. Further along over William Street at number 10 is the Brunswick Arms, proprietor H. Freeston. On the left of Victoria Street from Sheet Street, we find the Bachelors Arms at number 15 run by S. Smith. A little further along at number 27 is The Prince of Prussia, proprietor H.G. Spilling. Walking across Alexandra Road right on the corner at number 47 is the Queens Arms run by Mrs Dance. Right next-door was the brewery of Burge & Co, brewers to H.M. the King. In William Street at number 23 is the Falcon Inn run by R.H. Maskell. 

In Clewer Village we find in Mill Lane the Swan Inn run by W. Paget whilst almost opposite on the junction with Clewer Road is the Duke of Edinburgh, proprietor Thomas Smith. In Hatch Lane we find Herne�s Oak Public House, which doubled as a general store run by G. Thorne. Also there on the junction with New Road was the Three Elms run by T. Nicholls who also ran a �fly proprietors� trade. Mr Charles Sumner ran the Bricklayers Arms. In Clewer New Town, there was a beer seller, G. Drury trading as The Man of Kent. Its exact location is uncertain other than it was right next door to the Mission Chapel. In Clewer Green we find the Prince Albert Inn run by C.E. Bradley. Nearby, although its location is not specific was a beer seller, Mr James Sumner, trading as The Criterion. On Clewer Hill, G.E. Nock is shown as a beer seller trading as The Sebastopol. 

Finally we turn to Dedworth. The Wolf run by W. Brickwood is on the corner of Wolf Lane. The Nags Head, proprietor A. Castle, was situated at the western end of New Road. On the Braywood Road in Oakley Green was the Red Lion run by W. Childs. The Black Horse was in New Road run by E. Hawkins. Further to the east is The Queen, run by G. Ive. The Bell stands on the junction of New Road and Parsonage Lane and completes this list for 1910.  I count 92 pubs in all, which is not bad for a small town like Windsor.  

May 1910 saw the funeral of King Edward VII and the Royal Train conveyed his body to Windsor for burial at St Georges Chapel after his lying in state at Westminster Cathedral. The Western Region Station was the hub of much activity in 1910 and boasted thirty-nine departures each day with through services to Paddington, Reading and Basingstoke. They also ran the bus service to both Ascot and Slough at that time in junction with the train service. The local taxi service normally consisted of horse and carriage. The second-class carriage consisted of one horse and a carriage capable of carrying four persons. Local journeys carried a set fare such as that to Ascot, which was set at nine shillings; Datchet was two shillings and sixpence, whilst Slough was four shillings. You could of course hire them by the hour for a set rate of three shillings an hour. The drivers had obviously been well versed in their charges and the system does not appear to have altered very much to this day.




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I have jumped forward sixteen years and what we find now reflects the aftermath of the Great War and rebuilding in Central Windsor. I turned to Kelly�s Directory of Windsor for 1926. On opening the book my attention was drawn to an advertisement by the Windsor Royal Gaslight Company offering, �really hot baths� for 2 pennies whereas the guide itself was selling at two shillings and six pence.

 Beginning in Alexandra Road we find the Hand and Glove at number 2 run by Walter Hemsley. At number 20, Alma Road stood the Clarence Hotel, proprietor George Ellis. The Noah�s Ark run by Henry Lewis stood at number 1, Arthur Road. Further along on the same side of the road at number 165, stood the Duke of Connaught run by Charles Rolph. In Bexley Street John Wing ran the Bexley Arms. We now shift our Focus to Castle Hill where at number 4, William Webb ran the Horse and Groom. Nearby in Church Lane, Jack Wilson ran the Ship Hotel. Church Street had the Carpenters Arms at number 14, run by Alfred Hammond. In Market Street at numbers 3 & 4, you would find the other entrance to the same establishment. The Three Tuns Hotel was at number 8, run by Mrs A. Minett.  

Clewer Green at this time was the area situated between St Leonard�s Road and Hatch Lane. Dan Webling ran the Prince Albert on the junction with St Leonard�s Road. Further up the road at number 52 was the Criterion Public House, proprietor Wallace Powell. Clewer Hill was known as the area between Hatch Lane and Dedworth Green. There were many small rows of cottages as well as Manor Farm House until one reached Park Corner where Mrs Edith Hill ran the Sebastopol. Clewer New Town was known as the area between New Road (Dedworth Road) and Clewer Avenue. This area consisted mostly of small cottages and situated in the centre of these dwellings was the Man of Kent run by Thomas Briers. Mill Lane in Clewer Village had the Swan Inn being run by two people; Frank Harding ran the bar whilst William White ran the Inn itself. The Duke of Edinburgh run by Gerard Sampson stood in Clewer Road at the junction with Mill Lane. 

In Datchet Road, William Barton managed the Royal Oak and Railway Hotel. In the High Street, the Castle Hotel was being run by a trust company. The White Hart Hotel dominated the view opposite the Castle. In Park Street only the Two Brewers remains, run by George Brown. The Thames Hotel was situated in River Street run by Arthur Jacobs. Edward Sharratt ran the Kings Arms in Thames-side. Thames Street saw the Grapes Public House at number 5 run by T. Harding. Further down the hill at number 29 was the Adam and Eve run by Frederick Groves. The Theatre Tavern was at number 33 and was part of the Theatre Royal. At number 49 was the Swan Inn run by James Woodward. On the other side of the road was the South Western Hotel, proprietors W & M.K. Curd. 

We now turn to Peascod Street. The shopping area as we know it today was very much evident. At number 12 was the Royal Albert, which termed itself a luncheon bar run by Samuel Procter. Further along at number 23 was the Crown Hotel run by H. Venner. At number 32, Messrs Clark and Wigfall were running the Bull Hotel. Further down squeezed between 37 and 37B was the Empire Cinema right next door to Creaks Outfitters. At number 51, J.A.Dunn managed the Star Hotel. At the end of the street at number 72 was The Criterion run by Henry Mayne. On the opposite corner stood The Hope at number 73 run by Mrs K. Lewis. Making our way back up Peascod Street come to the Dukes Head at number 90, run by Charles Camm. At number 98 was the Wellington Public House, proprietor Owen Gardner. The Duke of Cambridge stood at number 104, run by Herbert Field. This establishment was situated on the corner of Sydney Place. Further up at number 113 was a cinema whose name at that time was unclear. Further up on the corner of Goswell Lane stood the Star and Garter Hotel at number 133, proprietor, F.Godfrey, who also ran the Tap bar down the adjacent side road.

 We now move on to Sheet Street. The Five Bells Public House stood at number 73, right on the corner of Brook Street. Henry Wells was its proprietor. On the opposite side of the road at number 22, stood the Round Tower run by Thomas Rickett. In Kings Road we find the Prince Christian Hotel at number 11, run by Francis Davis. On the opposite side of the road at number 46 was the Royal Adelaide Hotel, proprietor Mrs Florence Rogers. Further along at number 98, W.Setchell was running the Windsor Castle. In Victoria Street, the Bachelors Arms was situated at number 15 run by Alfred Carder. Further along at number 27 was the Kitcheners Arms run by William Edworthy. This establishment underwent a name change in the first year of the Great War from that of the Prince of Prussia. On the junction with Alexandra Road at number 49 stood the Queens Arms run by Mrs Jane Dance. Burge & Co still operated the brewery next door. On the opposite side of the road at number 10 was the Brunswick Arms run by Herbert Turner. In nearby William Street, at number 23 you would have found the Falcon run by Lionel Gage.

 We turn now to Oxford Road. Making our way from the junction of Peascod Street on the left hand side towards Vansittart Road, we find at number 23, the Prince of Wales Public House run by David Rogers. It stood on the junction with South Place. Further along at number 55 was the Why Not run by Alfred Greening. At number 65, the Black Boy Public House stood at the junction with the other end of South Place run by Charles Knights. It�s interesting to note that next door the proprietor also ran a general shop. We now cross over Alma Road and again on the left at number 161 we find the Perseverance Public House run by Robin Meredew. At number 183 was the Elephant and Castle Public House run by Alfred Ottley. On the junction with Vansittart Road stood the Mitre Public House run by James Hatchet. If we cross the road at this point and make our way back toward Oxford Road you have some way to go until we reach the Globe Public House at number 60 run by Mrs Alice Stone. This establishment stood on the junction with Goswell Road. At number 32, stood the Coach and Horses run by Thomas Kingsland. 

Elsewhere in Windsor there were a number of Public Houses. In Goswell Lane you would find the Railway Arms run by Henry Gray. This road ran from the Great Western Region Station to Arthur Road. I would suggest it�s the same road we now refer to as Goswell Hill. The Railway Arms stood at the end of the road adjacent to Arthur Road. In Grove Road, the Prince Arthur stood at number 29 run by Albert Freeman. On the other side of the road on its junction with Alexandra Road at number 56 was the Crispin run by Frank Allen. There was a road known as Victoria Cottages, which ran from Goswell Road to Oxford Road. It consisted of cottages exceeding a hundred in number. Right in the middle at number 81 was the Victoria Arms run by George Brown.    

In Dedworth Green, John Jones ran the Wolf. It was situated next door to All Saints Church. Continuing in a westerly direction on the other side of the road stood the Queen Public House, proprietor William Chadwick. A little further up the Black Horse was being run by Frederick Crayford. Turning now to the Dedworth Road, which ran then, only from New Road to Dedworth Church, we find the Bell Public House run by Henry Ottley. In Hatch Lane, Sidney Burden was the proprietor of the Three Elms. Further up we find the Bricklayers Arms being run by Charles Sumner. In nearby Springfield Road you would find the Alma Public House on the junction of Elm Road being run by William Morley. In Vansittart Road, George Rose was running the Vansittart Arms.   

We turn now to St Leonard�s Road from its junction with Victoria Street through to Spital. On the left hand side at number 65 we find the Merry Wives of Windsor, proprietor George Goodman. At number 97 was the Trooper run by Mr E. Ward. Walking on past King Edward VII Hospital at number 127 is the Queens Head run by Sydney Martin. Then at number 147 we discover the Jolly Guardsmen run by Edward Record. Crossing over the junction with Bolton Road we discover at number 199, right next door to Spital Mission Hall, the Foresters Arms Public House run by William Bearfoot. A little further on is the ground for Windsor and Eton Football Club at Stag Meadow. Crossing the road at this point we find we arrive at the Stag and Hounds Public House being run by George Hensley. Making our way back to Peascod Street we find two doors away the Duke of York run by George Wadeley. Just before Combermere Barracks we find the Fawn Public House run by Henry Hunt. At number 132 we arrive at the Lord Raglan, proprietor Mrs Susannah Chambers. 

Walking along St Leonard�s Road we make our past the Police and Fire Stations. Its not until we arrive at the junction with Spinners Walk do we find the next establishment. Arthur Garnett was running the Herts Arms. We now make our way back to the Stag and Hounds in Spital. On the same side of the road at number 8 Park Cottages was the Royal Standard, proprietor Arthur Cooper. Continuing on from there and remembering that Imperial Road didn�t exist at this point in time we come to Clewer Hill and the end my research for this year. Seventy-eight public houses in all remain, indicating some have fallen by the wayside since 1910.  

Reviewing the list of Public Houses missing over that sixteen-year period we find that they include the Free House Public House at 21, Oxford Road. The New Inn in Park Street, The Luncheon Bar at number 10, Peascod Street and The Sun Inn at 27, Peascod Street are also gone. Further down Peascod Street at number 36, The St George Public House as well as the Royal Brewery Tap Bar at number 44 are also gone forever. Lastly in Peascod Street at 137 was the Albion Public House, which in 1926 was an empty building. At 145, St Leonard�s Road, the Golden Lion Public House is now shown as a private dwelling. A clothing shop now stands on the site of the Jolly Gardeners Public House at 14, St Leonard�s Road.   In Thames Street at number 27, the Red Lion Public House is now a Green Grocers. The Windsor Billposting Company now occupies the site of the British Grenadier at 24, Victoria Street.  The Hearne�s Oak Public House in Hatch Lane is gone together with the shop premises they shared. On the perverse plus side I found no new Public Houses were built during this time.


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It was reasonable to jump to 1940 in order to assess just how many public houses have either appeared or dis-appeared during the fourteen years, which have elapsed. It is now wartime and a Kelly�s Directory for this year was printed on very cheap paper and lacks information in parts. Vale Road and the roads leading off it are now built and have residents. A number of wartime offices have appeared controlling food and fuel supplies. The Windsor Boys School is established in Maidenhead Road. I was pleased to find one new Public House. The Windsor Lad run by Eric Baggs was open for trade in Maidenhead Road, near to the Racecourse and Imperial Road has been constructed. Another Public House, which caused me to pore through many books, was the Victoria Arms public house, which has been mentioned in previous years, as being part of Victoria Cottages. As the exact location of Victoria Cottages does not appear on any map I have viewed, I was surprised to discover that the public house has moved to number 3 Grosvenor Place near to its junction with Oxford Road. I cannot offer an explanation for this change other to suggest that half of Victoria Cottages were demolished. The Royal Standard Public House is now shown to be at 318 St Leonard�s Road, proprietor Herbert Thompson. It used to be at 8, Park Cottages in St Leonard�s Road but has suffered from re-numbering rather than moving its location. 

The early part of the year saw severe weather with most winter sports cancelled. Greyhound racing was popular at Slough Stadium on Fridays and Saturdays with admission prices of 1/6d and 3/-. The Cinema�s were open and it is surprising to see that you had a choice of the Adelphi, Granada, Ambassador, Palace and the Commodore in the Slough area. Windsor had the Regal, Playhouse and the Empire. Windsor Theatre was also open for business. The Police fiercely followed up wartime regulations and the local newspaper featured many cases of ignoring the blackout or parking a vehicle on the wrong side of the road.  After hours drinking was also a problem and many licensees and patrons found themselves before the court. Tea was not yet rationed and Darville�s were offering Ceylon tea for 2/2d a quarter of a pound. The number of private drinking clubs was a surprise as the total went into double figures.   

On the minus side however, the Crown public house in Peascod Street has gone, it is now a shop called W. Barratt & Co, Boot Makers. The shop has private accommodation above. The Kitcheners Arms at 27 Victoria Street (ex Prince of Prussia) has also disappeared. The premises are now private accommodation. The Black Boy public house in Oxford Road has now turned into an off license. The old Burges Brewery in Victoria Street is in the hands of the local council being considered for use as an air-raid shelter. Three public houses have gone since 1926 and only one new one built.  




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I have chosen to jump forward to 1965 for my next snapshot of Public Houses. Kelly�s Directory for that year shows many new housing projects to the west of Windsor are now complete. In Alexandra Road, the Hand and Glove is situated at the junction with Russell Street. In Alma Road we find the Frogmore Hotel at number 71. On the opposite side of the road at number 20 is the Clarence Hotel on the junction with Oxford Road. In Arthur Road at number 1 is the Noah�s Ark Public House. Further up at number 165 is the Duke of Connaught Public House on the junction with Duke Street. In Bexley Street, the Bexley Arms stands at number 50 on the junction with Vansittart Road.

 Castle Hill has the Horse and Groom Public House at number 4 on the junction with Market Street.  The Ship Hotel stands in Church Lane. In Church Street at number 14 stand the Carpenters Arms. In Clewer Hill Road, the Prince Albert Public House stands on the junction of St Leonard�s Road at number 2. Further along on the same side of the road at number 52 is the Criterion Public House. On the other side of the road at the top of the hill at number 137 is the Sebastopol Public House at Park Corner. In Datchet Road at its junction with Thames Street is the William the Forth Hotel (formerly the South Western Hotel).  On the other side of the road is the Royal Oak Hotel.

 In Dedworth Road, the Bell Public House is at number 2 on the junction with Parsonage Lane. A mile or two further along on the same side of the road is the Queen Public House. Just a little along on the junction with Rose Lane is the Black Horse Public House. On the other side of the road on the junction with Wolf Lane stands the Wolf Public House. At number 3 Grosvenor Place stands the Victoria Public House, proprietor D.J. Lambert. It is now the only property in the road, a Friary Ale establishment so I�m told. In Grove Road at number 29 is the Prince Arthur Public House on the junction with Francis Road. On the other side of the road at number 56 is the Crispin Public House on the junction with Alexandra Road. In Hatch Lane on the junction with Clarence Road stands the Three Elms Public House. Further up on the other side of the road is the Bricklayers Arms Public House.  

In the High Street at number 18 stood the Castle Hotel. Further along at number 31 stands the White Hart Hotel. In Kings Road at number 11 stood the Prince Christian Hotel. On the other side of the road at number 46 stood the Royal Adelaide Hotel. Further along at number 98 stood the Windsor Castle Hotel. We now turn to Maidenhead Road. At number 100 at the junction with Mill Lane stood the Duke of Edinburgh Public House, it is said by locals that this was the only Watneys public house in Windsor at the time. At number 250 stood the Windsor Lad Public House. In Market Street at number 8 stood the Three Tuns Hotel as well as another entrance to the Carpenters Arms. In Mill Lane, the Swan Hotel stood at number 9.  

Oxford Road saw the Why Not Public House standing at number 55. At the very end of the road on the same side stood the Mitre Public House. On the other side of the road at number 32 stood the Coach and Horses Public House. At number 60 on the junction with Goswell Road stood the Globe Public House. In Park Street at number 34 stood the Two Brewers Public House. In Peascod Street at number 32 stood the Bull Hotel. Further along at number 51 stood the Star Public House. Interestingly at numbers 55/58 we find Tesco�s Stores. Further still on the junction with Victoria Street at number 72 is the Criterion Inn. On the other side of the road at number 133 stood the Star and Garter Hotel with its tap bar. At number 104 on the junction with Sydney Place stood the Duke of Cambridge Public House. Not far away at number 98 stood the Wellington Public House. On the junction with Oxford Road at number 90 stood the Dukes Head Public House. Television rental shops were springing up everywhere with such companies as Multi Broadcast and Radio Rentals appearing in the High Streets. On the corner of Victoria Street at number 73 stood the Hope Public House. 

In River Street, the Thames Hotel maintained its position on the riverside frequently hosting �pop� concerts in its adjoining hall. We turn now to St Leonard�s Road. Making our down on the east side past many small businesses, we find at number 65 the Merry Wives of Windsor Public House. At number 97 we find the Trooper Public House. We now have to make our way past the Bus Garage and King Edward VII Hospital to find at number 127 stood the Queens Head Public House. On the west side of St Leonard�s Road its not until we arrive at number 132 on the junction with Alma Road do we find the Lord Raglan Public House. At number 140 stood the Fawn Public House. At number 198 stood the Duke of York Public House. At number 302 stood the Stag and Hounds Public House. Coffee shops such as the Matador coffee bar or the Top Twenty caf� as well as the Kontiki coffee shop were doing a good trade. Even the Wimpey Bar had made its appearance.  

 In Sheet Street at number 22 stood the Round Tower Public House on the junction with Victoria Street. In Springfield Road at number 61 stood the Alma Public House. In Thames Side at number 10 stood the Donkey House Public House (formally known as the Kings Arms Public House but re=named in 1953). In Thames Street at number 4 stood the Grapes Tavern. I have memories of the ABC Restaurant, which stood at numbers 13/14 which had a great view from the upper windows. Similarly Swans Chinese restaurant at number 11 gave me my first taste of this then exotic food. At number 29 stood the Adam and Eve Public House. At number 49 stood the Swan Public House. Incidentally opposite this stood the ABC Cinema, whilst further along on the riverfront stood the Cellar coffee bar, which was a popular haunt of �bikers� at the time.

 In Vansittart Road on the junction with Albert Street at number 105 stood the Vansittart Arms. We now come to Victoria Street. On the south side coming from Sheet Street stood a number of driving schools. Of these, the Spencer School of Motoring put up with my first efforts of aiming a car. They did well though enabling me to sail through on my first attempt. Further along at number 15 stood the Bachelors Arms Public House. On the north side of the road at number 10 stood the Brunswick Arms Public House. In William Street at number 23 stood the Falcon Hotel, this was very loosely a hotel as I remember it. It was a Youngers pub and was extremely popular and busy.

 So who have dropped by the wayside, remembering Ward Royal has yet to be built. The Man of Kent in Clewer New Town has simply disappeared with nothing replacing it. The Royal Albert Public House at number 12, Peascod Street is now a shop run by the Southern Electricity Board. The Five Bells Public House at number 73, Sheet Street is now a private residence. The Prince of Wales Public House at 23, Oxford Road is now an arts and crafts shop. The Perseverance Public House at number 161, Oxford Road as well as the Elephant & Castle Public House at number 183 are now private homes. The Railway Arms in Goswell Lane has ceased to exist and very little of this road exists.

 The Jolly Guardsman Public House, which was situated at 147, St Leonard�s Road, is now a second hand car showroom. The Foresters Arms at number 199, St Leonard�s Road are now empty premises. The Royal Standard Public House, which stood at number 318, St Leonard�s Road is also un-occupied. The Herts Arms Public House at number 16, St Leonard�s Road is now the Matador Coffee Shop. The Queens Head Public House at number 49, Victoria Street has gone and the site is the civil defence headquarters run by the Royal Borough of New Windsor. Twelve public houses have gone. On the plus side the Frogmore Hotel in Alma Road has opened for business. Only sixty-three public houses remain in 1965 and five of those are strictly hotels with bars open to non-residents.

 I have many memories of this period as I was employed in Windsor at the time. As for the Public Houses well most needed a clean. Some will remember the Star & Garter Tap bar in which one could get a drink but didn�t linger. The Bachelors Arms was very much like a 1950s living room very rarely full. The Round Tower was always empty when I visited it, which wasn�t often. The Two Brewers I found to be a good pub and I was a regular visitor there. I can also remember the bar below the White Hart Hotel; I believe it went under the name of �Peters Bar�, very reminiscent of a 1940s cocktail bar and never very full. The Duke of Connaught in Arthur Road was also very handy for the �pop� groups playing at the nearby Clewer Mead as the club didn�t have a drinks licence. I can also recall some of the shops in Peascod Street. Gingers was a delightful delicatessen and was very popular. Dexter�s was a bakers well frequented by many, I can still taste and smell their produce to this day especially the pasties. The Wimpy Bar must get a mention because if nothing else it was at least open on a Sunday morning whereas little else was. One still could get a bus to Slough that went over Windsor Bridge through Eton High Street.

 A glance at the Windsor Express for 1965 talks of the ongoing construction of the Windsor Relief Road, which they claimed in January, was ahead of schedule. The estimated cost of the construction was 4.5 million. The Estate Agents in Windsor were offering three bedroom houses for sums of �4,500 through to �7,300. Employment prospects were good with the local paper carrying many pages of job offers. From an entertainment view, the �Kooky Nook� club in Windsor, which was situated behind the Ex Servicemen�s Club, was featuring many headline groups. Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames had just appeared at the Ricky Tick Club. Hammer Films were shooting the horror film �The Nanny� at Bray Studios. Elsewhere saw the construction of Wrexham Park Hospital had begun. On the sporting side of things, the planning of the Windsor and Eton Regatta at Boveney Reach saw the event held on Whit Monday with great success.


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This is the final year I intend to cover. The �award� winning Ward Royal has now been built and its construction saw a large part of Oxford Road as well as many other streets disappear for all time. This year is now in living memory of many Windsor residents and only individual changes occurred after this date. Sadly as well many more public houses, one hotel didn�t make it and they are now only memories. The Relief Road is open to traffic.

 Kelly�s Directory of 1974 was again my source for accuracy. We find in Alma Road that the Copper Horse Public House appears near to the footpath known as South Path. At number 71 we find the Frogmore Hotel. At number 1, Arthur Road we find the Noah�s Ark Public House. Further along the road at number 165 stood the Duke of Connaught Public House on the junction with Duke Street. In Barry Avenue, the Thames Hotel run by Mrs W. Pikin overlooked the river. In Bexley Street at number 50, stood the Bexley Arms Public House. On Castle Hill at number 4 stood the Horse and Groom Public House. The Ship Hotel stood in Church Lane. In nearby Church Street at number 14 was the Carpenters Arms. At number 8, Market Street, the Three Tuns Hotel was doing a good trade. In Clewer Hill Road, the Sebastopol Public House stood on Park Corner. The Prince Albert Public House stood near to the junction with St Leonard�s Road. 

In Datchet Road, the William IV Hotel stood on the junction with Thames Street. Slightly further down on the other side of the road stood the Royal Oak Public House. We turn now to Dedworth Road where on the junction of Parsonage Lane stood the Bell Public House at number 2. A mile or so further along at number 282 stood the Queen Public House. At number 290 on the junction with Galleys Road stood the Black Horse Public House. On the other side of the road making our way back toward Windsor on the junction with Clewer Hill Road stood the Wolf Public House. In Grove Road at number 29 stood the Prince Arthur Public House. At number 56, I was expecting to find the Crispin Public House but for reasons unknown it has been omitted. It certainly was there at this time and the absence of three buildings in the road shows that not every journal is correct in detail.

 In Hatch Lane, the Three Elms Public House stood at the Junction with Dedworth Road. Near to the junction with Firs Avenue, the Bricklayers Arms stood. At number 18, High Street stood the Castle Hotel. Further along at 31 stood Ye Harte and Garter Hotel (formally the White Hart Hotel). We turn now to Kings Road where at number 11 stood the Prince Christian Hotel. On the opposite side of the road on the junction with Adelaide Square at number 46 the Royal Adelaide Hotel could be found. At number 98, stood the Windsor Castle Public House. In Maidenhead Road at number 250 stood the Windsor Lad Public House.  In Mill Lane, the Swan Hotel was open for trade.  

We turn now to Oxford Road. Sad to say there were very few pubs left to mention. The Mitre stood on the junction with Vansittart Road was the only one remaining. In Park Street, at number 34, stood the Two Brewers Public House. In Peascod Street, at number 32 stood the Bakers Tavern. This establishment was formally known as the Bull Hotel. At number 51, The Star Public House saw trade as normal. The Criterion Inn stood at number 71 on the corner with Victoria Street. At number 104, stood the Duke of Cambridge Public House. At number 98, stood the Wellington Public House. The Hope Public House stood at the junction with Clarence Road.

 In St Leonard�s Road at number 65, stood the Merry Wives of Windsor. Further down at number 97, stood the Trooper Public House. Just past the King Edward VII Hospital at number 127 stood the Queens Head Public House. On the other side of the road at number 132 stood the Lord Raglan Public House. At number 140, stood the Fawn Public House. At number 198, stood the Duke of York Public House. Further along at number 302 stood the Stag and Hounds Public House.  

In Sheet Street at number 32, stood the Round Tower Public House. In Springfield Road, the Alma Public House stood at number 61.  In Thames Side at number 10, stood the Donkey House Public House. In Thames Street at number 5, stood the Knights Tavern. This was formally known as The Grapes Public House. At number 29, stood the Adam and Eve Public House. At number 49, stood the Swan Public House. In Vansittart Road at number 105, stood the Vansittart Arms Public House. In William Street at number 23, stood the Falcon Hotel.  I count only fifty-two establishments remaining, one of these, the Copper Horse is new to the list.  

So which Public Houses are missing? The Hand and Glove Public House in Alexandra Road is now a private house. The Clarence Hotel in Alma Road was demolished to make way for the Ward Royal Development. In Clewer Hill Road, the Criterion became an off licence. In Oxford Road, the Ward Royal Development saw off the Why Not, the Coach and Horses and the Globe Public Houses. In Peascod Street, the Star and Garter Hotel was demolished to make way for Mac Fisheries. The Dukes Head in Peascod Street was demolished to make way for a shopping development. The Bachelors Arms in Victoria Street simply became a suite of offices without much external alteration. The Brunswick Arms was taken over by a company of building contractors. The Duke of Edinburgh in Maidenhead Road was demolished to make way for a housing development. The Victoria in Grosvenor Place went along with the road it was in, swallowed up by Ward Royal. That�s twelve establishments gone in a very short period of time. What caused this? Was there any single factor? Well the Ward Royal Development saw off four establishments but that�s not the complete answer. Perhaps a mixture of the Drink Driving Regulations and a change in life styles as well as financial reality was a catalyst to their demise.

 This final draft is my own and I have made mention of all my source material where used which is freely available in Windsor Library. If there are any errors, they are mine alone. I would like to hear from anyone who can assist in putting together a more accurate account particularly in the mid 1800s, a period when source material is sparse. I can be reached by E- Mail on [email protected]



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