Dukes Head

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  current / last name:

The Duke's Head

  previous names:  
  current landlord/landlady: CLOSED - Demolished, new shop/office building here now.
  address: Corner of Oxford Road East (formerly Oxford Rd and prior to that was called Clewer Lane) j/w Peascod Street, Windsor.
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  history: In 1842 The Dukes Head was run by a Mrs Hester, whilst in 1834 the owner was shown to be her husband James Hester.

In 1898 this establishment was large enough to house the Minotaur Cycle works, remember in 1898 the age of the motorcar was yet to come.

Some Selected Reports from The Windsor and Eton Express

29th October 1842
Windsor Police - Monday
[Before John Clode, Esq., (Mayor) and Robt. Tebbott, Esq.]

Wm.Simmons was charged with being drunk and disorderly. Sexton, policeman, stated that the prisoner was drunk and disorderly at the Duke's-head public house. Mrs Hester, the landlady called him (witness) to remove him, and he, instead of going home when desired, wished to fight. His conduct was so bad that he was obliged to be locked up.
The prisoner appeared to be sensible of his misconduct, and attributed it to what he had drank.
As this was his first appearance in that character he was discharged with a reprimand.

About thirty persons were sworn in as special constables to act for the ensuing year, in case their services should be required.

25th June 1942

Duke's Head,

[Before John Clode, Esq. (Mayor), R.Blunt, Esq., W.Legh, Esq., and Sir John Chapman]

Richard Greenwood was charged with being drunk and disorderly at the Duke's Head, Peascod-street, at ten o'clock the preceding night.

To a question by the Bench the policeman said the prisoner did not make much resistance.

The prisoner said that he had come from London, and he going to seek work at Frogmore.

Mr.Gillman told the magistrates that the prisoner pretended that he was the brother of the unfortunate girl, Eliza Grimwood, whose murder in Waterloo-road created so much public interest.

The prisoner assured the bench that that was the fact. His sisters name was Greenwood, but had gone by that of Grimwood.

After a reprimand the prisoner was discharged.

31st May 1834
Duke's Head,

A quantity of poultry and a great coat were stolen from the premises of Mr.Tarrant, of Eton Wick, on Thursday night: Mr Deverall, of the same place, also had some poultry stolen on Thursday night.

G.Chapman, Esq, nearly met with a serious accident on Tuesday last by the breaking of the axletree of his stanhope Mr.Chapman was thrown out with considerable violence , but we are happy to add was not much hurt; the servant who was also with Mr.G. escaped without any serious injury, and the horse after running nearly through Eton was stopped unhurt, without doing any mischief in his career.

On Monday last, Samuel Morton jun., and Thomas Aldridge both of Windsor, were charged before W.F.Riley, and Edmund Foster, Esqs, two of our Country Magistrates, by Mr.James Hester, the landlord of the Duke's Head, in Peascod-street, for stealing at various times a great coat, a saw, and sundry books, from his dwelling-house, which were found pawned at Mr.Radnor's the pawnbroker in Thames-street; the prisoner Morton was employed as an occasional waiter by Mr.Hester. The case against both prisoners being made out they were committed to Reading gaol for trial at the next county Sessions.



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