The Swan

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  current name:

The Swan, Mill Lane

  previous names:  
  current landlord/landlady:  
  address: 9, Mill Lane, Windsor
  telephone: 01753 862069
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  history: 1960 > Info from Paul Gammons -  From about 1964 the landlord was Bert Searle with his wife Kitty.  Bert was an ex Met copper and a patron of QPR Football club.  Unfortunately Bert lost his sight in his later years.

1980 > Info from Michael Waite - I remember Bert & Kitty well, I think they left the pub around 1985.  We used to have an early evening drink sometimes with Doc Patton, Dennis Shaw (The Rector of Clewer Church) and Marcus Gough, as well as my father in law, Jim Fullerton.  Great memories....

1837 > This pub was being run by a Mr Stephens.


Some Selected Reports from The Windsor and Eton Express

Swan Clewer
22nd Oct 1942

Coroners Inquests

On Wednesday last an inquest was held before James May,Esq., coroner for Berks, at the Swan public house, at Clewer, on the body of Mr.Joseph Money, aged 86 years.

Mrs. Anne Stephens, the wife of the landlord of the Swan, stated that the deceased was her father, who for the last fortnight had been poorly, but he went about as usual. On Monday night she was with him at his house close by the Swan, and about 12 o'clock left him in bed. He then expressed himself comfortable and free of pain. She wished to stay with him, but he requested her to go home. The following morning she heard of his death. A few days previously she had wished him to have medical advice, but he declined it.

John Chandler, a blacksmith's apprentice, stated that he slept in a room adjoining the deceased's bed room, through which he had to pass to his own room.On Monday night on going through, he as usual asked the deceased how he was, to which he replied "much the same." Witness then wished him good night, which he returned and desired witness to shut the door.When witness got up the following morning at six o'clock, and was coming through the room, he asked deceased how he was, but receiving no reply he went to the bed, touched his arm, and found he was dead. Witness then gave an alarm. The partition between the rooms was very thin, but witness heard no noise during the night. The deceased had had his food regularly from the Swan, whence it was brought by a woman who attended him.

The Coroner observed that there did not appear to have been any inattention showed to the deceased; a proposal was made to him to have medical assistance, but he refused it, and he seemed to be rather eccentric in regard to his antipathy to doctors.

Mr.W.B.Holderness, surgeon, of Windsor, deposed that he had only seen the deceased once or twice for the last four years, but he (deceased) would never take anything. He was an eccentric character, and declined to take any medicine. That (Wednesday) morning witness made an examination of the body, but he found no marks of violence or of anything to indicate that he had come by his death unfairly. Witness was of the opinion that from his age and infirmities he had died from natural causes.

The jury returned a verdict in accordance with Mr.Holderness's opinion.

8th Jan 1842
Swan Inn
Robbers Disappointed

Last week some person or persons broke into the club box of a benefit society, held at the Swan at Clewer, but fortunately there was no money in it. They, however, took away some bankers receipts which they found there, expecting no doubt that they were checks and convertible into cash.

2nd April 1842

Swann Inn

Sudden Deaths

On Tuesday an inquest was held at the Swan public house, Clewer, before Jas.May, Esq., coroner for Berks, on the body of Martha Bean, aged 58 years, living in that village. It appeared that the deceased was subject to spasmodic fits, and that on Sunday night, when in bed, she was seized with one of those fits, but no very particular notice was taken at the time; at an early hour in the morning she got worse, and medical assistance was sent for, but she died shortly afterwards. The jury returned a verdict that the deceased died from natural causes. - On Saturday night last, Mr.Barrett, sen., of Eton, while preparing to go to bed, was suddenly seized with a fit and expired very soon afterwards. A coroner's inquest has since been held on the body, and a verdict returned of "Died by the visitation of God."




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