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John F G Webb &

Michael Waite (editor)

This site is being updated all the time........we need your help!

Windsor Pubs has been written in order to record and preserve as much history as possible about the pubs in Windsor and the surrounding area, past and present.  Pubs have changed so much in recent years and many Windsor pubs have been long closed or even demolished.  Pubs all over the country are closing up, we are fast losing a heritage unique to our shores.  With your help, we hope to nurture a growing interest in the history of our local pubs, and preserve some images and thoughts for the future generations of our town.  We also hope that by keeping such a record we will encourage people to support and frequent their local pubs so that the community spirit and friendship provided by them is not lost forever.-logic.co.uk

Pubs in Great Britain are unique in the world and we must be sure not to end up with replacing them ALL with trendy wine bars.  There may be a place for a pub restaurant and for a wine bar, but let's not close our traditional locals.

Please contact us with any information, stories, photographs etc. you may have about our local pubs that we can use on this site.  mail@enforce-logic.co.uk    History, stories, photographs, as well as any up to date information is all welcome.  If you are a current or past landlord, or just a regular customer, it would be great to hear from you.

List of Pubs


Unidentified Pubs


Dukes Haed, Windsor

Dukes Head, Peascod St  j/w Oxford Road (East)

Highlander, Windsor

Highlander  <  Court Jester  The Ship  - Church Lane

Windsor Castle Round Tower at night, floodlit

click here for a complete list of pubs

click here for History by Tony Bowra

  click here for a puzzle.!.!.!.



List of Pubs










A Licensed Holiday

A Story including some of the Windsor Pubs

Adam & Eve, with their two sons Royal Albert and Clarence and their daughters Alma & Victoria, were invited by Prince Albert for a days Wolf hunting in the forest.  They were met at the South Western by The Duke of York with the Coach & Horses.  They drove to the Royal Oak where the meet was assembled.  While out they saw the Stag & Hounds which were making straight for the Foresters Arms.  After the hunt they went to Windsor Castle, passing the Round Tower, over which flew the Royal Standard.  They rang the Bell and when the door was opened they nearly fell into the Queens Arms.  They were introduced to the Duke of Edinburgh who had just returned from Sebastopol.

The Duke of Connaught was also present and invited them to lunch with him on the morrow at the Dukes Head.  He was wearing a Fawn coloured Mitre on his head and a Wellington on each foot.  After lunch they hired the good Ship    Noahs Ark and took the Merry Wives of Windsor for a trip up the river.  Passing the Thames Hotel they saw the royal Swan being fed by the Prince of Wales with Grapes from a Star shaped plate in Kitcheners Arms. After Five Bells they landed at Three Elms, had tea at the Bexley Arms and then went to the Vansittart Arms for a game of shove-halfpenny. Here they met a Man of Kent who told them he had shot a Falcon which had attacked his Nags Head.  In the event they dined at the White Hart.  The Queen was present wearing her Crown, also her Star & Garter Order.  Prince Arthur was also present and could just see the Queens Head.

Meanwhile great commotion was caused in the streets by a mad Bull which was running amok and scattering pedestrians to different parts of the Globe.  A Trooper and a Jolly Guardsman eventually drove him to the Herts Arms where Two Brewers destroyed him.  After dinner the visitors returned to the Brunswick Arms where they were staying.  They decided to build a house, so they engaged the Bricklayers and Carpenters Arms to erect it.  When finished they ordered Three Tuns of coal to warm it.  The name of the house had to be chosen.  The sons wished to name it the Criterion, the daughters suggested Crispin, mother said Why Not... Hope Cottage.  They spent a few days purchasing presents, among them an ivory Elephant & Castle and a beautiful Black Horse.  Here we leave them, the daughters, one Hand in Glove with Lord Raglan, the other in a Bachelors Arms.


click here to go to Windlesora   A Journal of the Windsor Local History Group